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As representatives of food pantries and soup kitchens, we work together to make sure all residents of New Brunswick have access to healthy, culturally appropriate food. 


The Feeding New Brunswick Network is established to provide a means for existing food pantries and soup kitchens to coordinate their citywide activities and to communicate with the New Brunswick City Administration to best meet the needs of their clients.


The Feeding New Brunswick Network aims to ensure that all New Brunswick residents have access to healthful, familiar food at all times and that food service providers build, leverage and share support equitably in a collaborative, coordinated way.


The Network seeks to raise awareness of the problem of hunger in New Brunswick to improve financial and volunteer support for service providers, and also to communicate and partner with organizations and institutions that work to achieve a socially just, sustainable food system.


The Network also strives to make the elimination of food insecurity a priority of the New Brunswick city government and to ensure individuals are equipped with tools to combat food insecurity.


Residents have access to food whenever and wherever assistance is required, resulting in a New Brunswick in which all individuals in need are treated respectfully and never go without food. Residents know where to gain access to culturally appropriate food and through education, understand how to prepare food healthfully.


1. Collect information from food service providers and their clients to identify gaps in service and opportunities for improvement of services.


2. Use needs identified by clients and service providers to develop a strategy to eliminate food insecurity in collaboration with city government.


3. Provide resources, education, and information on available social services that would have a positive impact on residents who are food insecure.


4. Partner with organizations to offer educational programs to residents and to pantry and soup kitchen staff.


5. Create a development plan to identify and pursue opportunities for financial and volunteer support.


Come to a Feeding New Brunswick Network meeting!

We meet the second Monday of every month at 10:00 AM.


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